Arizona Weed and Seed

Project Dates: 2006-2010


Evaluations of Phoenix (Canyon Corridor), Glendale (Orchard Glen), Maryvale, and Tucson (Kino) Weed and Seed Projects

The Center has been actively involved in several Weed and Seed projects in Arizona. The Weed and Seed strategy is a planned response to complex social and community issues. The comprehensive approach that Weed and Seed employs speaks to the underlying philosophy of its design: that the conditions of violence, substance abuse, and other crimes, and the widespread physical and social disorder of disadvantaged neighborhoods, are complex problems that arise and thrive for a myriad of reasons, and a multi-pronged response, using diverse resources, is the only logical solution. The Weed and Seed strategy uses four central components: 1) law enforcement; 2) community policing; 3) prevention, intervention, and treatment; and 4) neighborhood restoration. Weeding activities are carried out by law enforcement agencies and include community policing techniques. The seeding processes are carried out by residents and public and private social service providers, and include prevention, intervention, and treatment programs, and neighborhood restoration projects.

The CVPCS has been engaged in working with four Weed and Seed Communities located in Phoenix (Canyon Corridor), Glendale (Orchard Glen), Maryvale, and Tucson (Kino). CVPCS researchers provided a useful tool for the coalitions to evaluate and assess their site's needs, successes, and challenges, providing critical guidance in efforts to improve the work they do in their neighborhoods.

Research Staff

David Choate, MA