Police Use of Force
In October 2011, White, Ready and colleague, Dr. Robert Kane, received a $408,377 grant from the National Institute of Justice to explore the effects of the TASER on cognitive functioning. The three-year study involves a randomized controlled trial whereby study participants will be randomly assigned to one of four conditions: 1) Baseline, no physical exertion, no TASER; 2) Treatment 1, physical exertion only (intended to mimic suspect resistance); 3) Treatment 2, TASER only; 4) Treatment 3, physical exertion and TASER (n=25 for each condition). The study will be carried out at a public health clinic, and each participant will complete a battery of cognitive instruments at a preliminary screening stage; immediately before treatment exposure; immediately after completion of their treatment condition; one week later; and six months later. The research team will assess participants’ scores both within and across groups over time to assess change in cognitive functioning (e.g., repeated measures design). The overall goal of the study is to determine whether the TASER device produces any deficits in cognitive functioning, and if so, whether those deficits reach a threshold that poses problems for valid waivers of Miranda rights.
News Links:
Article in Yahoo! News on 10/14/2014 - Taser's 50,000-Volt Jolt Can Mess Up Your Brain
Research Staff
Michael D. White, Ph.D.
Justin Ready, Ph.D.
Robert Kane, Ph.D.
For additional reading on Dr. White's work related to police use of force see the manuscripts below.