AZ-VDRS Requests:

In an attempt to put the Arizona Violent Death Reporting Systemdata to use in communities throughout Arizona, we are hosting an ad hoc Data Analysis Request Tool. Data collection began with 2015 deaths. The process of finalizing cases from our source agencies, and then abstracting and de-identifying for aggregate-level analyses is very time-consuming. Thus, in the interest of protecting descendant confidentiality, some analysis requests may not yet be possible. As data availability improves, analyses that are more detailed will be possible and available. Please reach out to the AZ-VDRS team with any questions. 

We ask that you share a few details about yourself, so that we may respond to you directly, get clarifications if necessary, and learn more about the audience who wants to use AZ-VDRS and the Center to learn more about violent deaths in Arizona. The contact information you provide will be kept confidential, and will be used only for AZ-VDRS purposes.