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Diagnosing Trinidad & Tobago’s Gang Problem

October 2006 | Presentations
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Reports of Gangs in Antiguan Schools

June 2008 | Presentations

Examining the Relationship between Immigration Status and Criminal Involvement: Do Illegal Immigrants Commit More Crime?

August 2011 | Student Contributions

A perceived link between illegal immigration and crime continues to exist. Citizens continue to believe that immigration creates crime and fear that as the immigrant population grows, their safety is jeopardized. 

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Public Perceptions Matter: A Procedural Justice Study Examining an Arrestee Population

August 2011 | Student Contributions

Research has shown that the manner in which people are treated in their interactions with agents of the criminal justice system matters. People expect criminal justice officials to treat them fairly and with honesty and respect, which is the… Read more

An Examination of Risk and Protective Factors, Drug Use, and Delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago

August 2006 | Student Contributions

The 2006 Trinidad and Tobago Youth Survey was administered between March and June 2006. The survey contained questions that measured 16 risk factors, 13 protective factors, and involvement in delinquency, drug use, and other youth focused… Read more

Organization of American States Second Special Meeting on Criminal Gangs

| Multimedia

Director Charles Katz speaks at the Organization of American States Second Special Meeting on Criminal Gangs- Toward a Regional Strategy to Promote Inter-American Cooperation.

Date: March 2, 2010 - 09:00 AM 
Place… Read more

MYAC Anti-Beer Run PSA 2011

| Multimedia

The Mayor's Youth Advisory Council, in conjunction with Glendale PD, ASU West, and Glendale 11, produced this spot to teach teens about the risks and life altering consequences of making beer runs.