Evaluates policies and programs; analyzes and evaluates patterns and causes of violence; develops strategies and programs; develops a clearinghouse of research reports and “best practice” models; educates, trains, and provides technical assistance; and facilitates the development and construction of databases.

Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety
Director's Welcome

From Charles M. Katz
Welcome to our center. Currently, the Center is engaged in several local, state, and international research projects aimed at reducing violence.
While other institutions may single out for study a particular facet of violence, the Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety has developed a distinct organizational model recognizing that interpersonal violence has no favorites. Solutions must cut across all boundaries of age, ethnicity, gender, economic status, and locale. That's why prevention solutions developed at the Center address all forms of violence, and research and development efforts are linked with other ASU research centers.
The Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety
Student Contributions
The Center is committed to serving and incorporating students of every level into our research activities, educational and work opportunities, and professional development.